“A Prayer for My Daughter” (10 — final stanza)

St Jerome, patron saint of translators, by Bellini

Saint Jerome, patron saint of translators, by Bellini

A Prayer for My Daughter by W.B. Yeats
(Spanish translation by James Mansfield Nichols)


A Prayer for My Daughter (10 — final stanza)

And may her bridegroom bring her to a house
Where all’s accustomed, ceremonious;
For arrogance and hatred are the wares
Peddled in the thoroughfares.
How but in custom and in ceremony
Are innocence and beauty born?
Ceremony’s a name for the rich horn,
And custom for the spreading laurel tree.

Una Oración para mi Hija (10 — estrofa final)

Y que su novio la traiga a una casa
Donde todo sea acostumbrado, ceremonioso;
Porque la arrogancia y el odio son las mercancías
Vendidas en las vías públicas.
¿Cómo si no es en la costumbre y ceremonia
Nacen la inocencia y la belleza?
Ceremonia es otro nombre para el cuerno rico,
Y costumbre para el amplio laurel.

[Copyright (c) 2018 James Mansfield Nichols. All rights reserved.)

About JMN

I live in Texas and devote much of my time to easel painting on an amateur basis. I stream a lot of music, mostly jazz, throughout the day. I like to read and memorize poetry.
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